Her Day

by Troytribe

We lost a lively soul
she is no longer in the folds of our family
But she is with her other one now
walking the streets  of gold divinely

give thanks to today
this is her home coming into the Kingdom
music will play joyously
celebrating the end of where she came from

she no longer have to face this world
full of pain, hurt and sorrow
She now knows wondrous joy
cause she's in the presence of GOD's glow

at His feet
she will know what LOVE is
At His feet
no other LOVE is above HIS

so put this into your heart
she isn't truly gone
her life proceeds her flesh
and her memories will last long

Her Day by Troytribe

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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