Escape the Beast

by Troytribe

To the east my brother
To the east my sister
To the east my people 
Escape the beast
The white hard disease
The brutality of the police
The heat of a piece
The name brand fleece
The ice we think that’s sleek
The mind not at peace
The ignorance mouthpiece
The squawking of tainted beaks
The ghetto mentality increase
The self love decrease
The swollen unhealthy physiques
The greasy fat fried feast
The paddling up murky creeks
The unwilling laziness to seek
The urge for late night creeps
The family gatherings that’s weeps
The lost children under the stairs we sweep
The sexual tag of freaks
The self-blame we preach
The lost ones we can’t reach
The hearts that sour and leaks
The belief that we aren’t unique
The criminal mystique
The insight that’s always bleak
Escape the beast my brother
Escape the beast my sister
Escape the beast my people
And rise like the flames
From the east

Escape the Beast by Troytribe

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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