From a True Queen To a True King

by Trini Poet

A depth that you say is too deep
But yet still you can’t seem to walk away in defeat
Are these just excuses to tell me
Or are you really unable to hang with this Queen

My uniqueness should not be your excuse to show insecurity
But in actuality should show your maturity
And your ability to handle the true emotion that you feel for me

Can’t you even see
There is so much worth in having a woman like me 
So please don’t fly away in retreat
I need a True King to stand with me even in defeat

A King that is strong 
That is equally and truly unique
A man that isn’t afraid to be wrong
And always accepts me even when I’m weak

His shoulders must be wide as the Nile
And his words...O his words must never be vile
He must always seek the truth
And must be ambitious to harvest much fruit
Yes...this is what I seek
This is a True King to me

Perfection is not important to this Queen
For it is something that I have never even seen
And it probably would never even be
I just want the small things that mean so much to me

A kiss that is soft and sweet
A touch that brings me peace
Making love to each other feeling all the heat

I want to share my life with another
And only with a True Brother
Believe me I need no other!

So where is my True King
If you were he, then why don’t you want all of me 
A True Black Queen of diverse Beauty and Bona fide Integrity 

I believe you to be a True King 
Only afraid to love too deeply again
Afraid to get hurt because of the constraints placed by time
A divide that you will never see as being fine
Baby I do understand your mind
But can you feel the yearning in mine

When I am with you I feel free 
I let all my inhibitions go and let you see all of me
We have that connection
And I feel your affection
So please baby give me no more rejection

Let me be your True Queen 
And you will be my True King
And even though our time together will be short and sweet
The life we’ll share and the love that’s there will be a forever memory
And maybe one day far away our hearts will meet 
And we could be together in love eternally.

From a True Queen To a True King by Trini Poet

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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