I Couldn't Resist

by Tony P

I couldn't resist the first day we met
For some strange reason you made me nervous
Cool I thought I was but only I knew different
Your simple smile is a thing of beauty

I couldn't resist nor fight did I do
Thinking, planning, and waiting for the day
The time and place wasn't quite right
I knew deep inside we'd meet again

I couldn't resist your charm that was the essence of you
That innocent girlish charm that seeped from your soul
Enveloping me and making me high
Igniting an addiction deep inside of me

I couldn't resist the feelings I'm feeling
Melting my heart and feeling your power
Overwhelming me but causing no fear
Until now I didn't understanding
I couldn't resist nor would I try 

I Couldn't Resist by Tony P

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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