I Tried

by Tony P.

I tried running from here to there
Stumbling and tripping with each step I took
Hiding and avoiding enemies unseen
Not knowing my destination nor did I care

I tried reaching for a distant star
Of things unimagined I tried to obtain
Pulsars and nebulas unknown to me
Of distant galaxies outside the realm of me

I tried racing the race of life
My opponent was none other than me
Equally match in shape and form
There would only be one winner but who

I tried doing the impossible
Without limits or fear
Dread and doubt were pushed aside
Only thinking and dreaming of improbabilities 

I tried the losing of me
In order to see my flaws
Of which I had many
Pushed inside and suppressed by me

I tried all these things and so much more
Not knowing why just things that I did
Hoping and searching for lessons not learned
Answers I found were shocking to me
If only I had listen when I was much younger
Then the things that I tried would have been easier for me

I Tried by Tony P.

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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