Changes You Can't Make

by Tony P.

So he hurt you I know
Now you hurt me
Transferring his crimes 
From him to me
Changes you can't make
Cause you can't see me
I have faults to which we agree
Sneaky nor distrustful I'm neither of the two
I say this and you hear that
Neither listening to me nor feeling me

Changes you can't make
Your realism set too high
I tried my best but still I failed
Trying to ease the pain left by he
Quite naive of me 
Thinking I could change--your point of view

Changes you can't make
Your hearts gone cold
Arrogant in my thinking
That you would believe me

Changes you can't make
Taking for granted that you still needed love
Love that I offered
Straight from my heart
Unconditional and true is the love I bring

Changes you can't make
Cause he's stolen your heart
Like the thief of Baghdad
Changes you can't make
Causing one like me to just walk away

Changes You Can't Make by Tony P.

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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