Though not biological nor adoptive we are family
Baby Sis you became and you’ll always be family
More than friends and thicker than blood
Caring and sharing with me as though we were kin
Sisters I have six maybe even more pops was a rolling stone
Even he couldn’t have created a sister such as you
Scolding me when I was wrong and building me up
Supporting me when my will was defeated
Always laughing and keeping me smiling
Watching over me and making sure I was correct
Drinking with me so that I wouldn’t feel lonely
Teaching me to be bougie cause you are a diva
Restoring my pride cause you knew what I was
Baby Sis I care and truly admire thee
Your disposition and inspiration are truly divine
Always caring for others without expecting anything in return
Believing in me and encouraging a broken man
Baby Sis cause of you my faith has been restore
Imagine what you done giving me your faith
Making me believe in another again
Like an eternal flame deep within
In your own way you kept it aflame