Listening to your soul
Da thump da thump da thump(this is the sound of a heart beating)
Makes mine whole
Da thump da thump da thump
Faster than a blinking eye and more powerful than a narcotic
Superlove wraps it's cape around my body
Capturing me in the moment with tempo
Da thump da thump da thump Da thump da thump da thump
I hear theme music as Love spreads it's wings
to save the stormy days that are ever present
Da thump da thump da thump Da thump da thump da thump
Your soul speaks to me
It tells tales from darker days yearning light
Your heart yearns for security
prays for peace
as you hold on to hope
Da thump da thump
Hope cuts your flesh like shards of glass
dreams of former years past seem to fade
As the wound
The wound that hope caused starts to hemorrhage
Da thump da thump
Your soul squeaks a whisper
As it inhales it's last breath
Da thump da thump da thump
I can not hear the words
I misinterpret your actions
I grow deaf
Da thump
Listening to your soul
Da thump
Makes me whole
Da thump
Deaf ears can't hear your soul
un whole must I be.