Dollars and Sense

by T.M.

Can I talk to you
'Bout my brothers and sisters,
Lying, Cheating, Thieving, Schemin'
Of gettin'a slice of that
American Pie
Those Bill Gates-type of dollars
That makes you wanna
Donald Trump dollars 
That will make you
Pimp your own sister
Place her on the block
And sell her body
For a rock
That All-American 
Mighty-mighty dollar
That will have you
Slangin' for the man
Who left your ancestors
Hangin' on a tree
By deferred dreams.
Now I ask you,
Is this the American Dream we
Aspire to achieve?
Is this the way to be
Free, free poverty? No, no
While free from poverty,
We become slaves to this world,
Perpetuating the notion
That money is
The root of all evil.
We become friends with this sick, sick world,
And make enmity with God.
Now I ask you,
Does the means through which you 
Earn these dollars and cents
Make any sense?

Dollars and Sense by T.M.

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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