Need My Love--For My Brothers

by TiaDee

I wish I could meet a Black man
who needed my love like I need his.

'Cause I've meet plenty, 
and they don't seem to need  me
or my love
You see they've got it all
good times, fun times
Cars, houses, easy pu**y
don't seem to need nothing or nobody
At least that's what they tell themselves, so it shows

The one's I've met got the streets
and their boys
thousand dollar toys 
Friday and Saturday they got women by the dozens 
At the clubs, parties, or at home,
waiting on a call
So they don't need my love
don't need love at all

The rest of the week
they've got money to make, hearts to break
while tryin' to survive
No time for me
Or my love

too busy keepin' it real, 
 no time for a good woman
-- if they even believe in such a thing
So they don't want my love

 patiently I wait for them to slow down
Open their eyes
Listen to their hearts
give up the part of playa
or playa hater

'Cause I wait for the day,
 a Black man is going to need my love
 like I need his

Need My Love--For My Brothers by TiaDee

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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