Giving In

by TiaDee

When I went to sleep last night you weren't there
and I really didn't care
But this morning there you were, breathing in my ear
I tried to wake you, to tell you to go
And that I didn't want you to be here anymore
That I was so tired of loving you, and you not loving me
That I was fed up, and better off alone
That you were making a hotel out of my home
This morning I just wanted--no needed--for you to go
But I couldn't get the words out
fear gripped at my heart, questions sat on my brain
What if you don't find anyone to love again
The thought just lingered on my mind
So instead of making you leave,
I just rolled over and cried.

Giving In by TiaDee

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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