u think I don’t love you
that I have 4gotten about u
that I’ve erased the pain
I’ve just learned 2 live day by day
U want 2 think I have no regrets
That my luv 4 u is something I can 4get
The decision has been made
We have gone our separate ways
u are with some1 new
I’m learning 2 live without u
U think I left u because I didn’t luv u
That in the end it was all about me
The truth being
I wanted us both 2 find peace
I needed a chance 2 be me
2 be true 2 myself and my dreams
I could not luv u the way u needed
I knew this, I felt this, I lived this
It is y I left
I can not go back, look back, or cry
I must move on, I have 2 live my life
I left u, let u go, set u free
Now we both have a chance of being happy