The Trap

by Andre R. Thornton

Old souls rest under dead trees
Intoxicated off liquor
From package stores
Talking shit and wasting precious time
With the weight of the world on their minds
A trap for many wolves
That used to run in packs
Upon open plains
Now they congregate
To devour their own souls
And watch dreams fade
Through window panes
I hear your faded whispers
Among the clattering of empty bottles
Telling me to live 4 U
And this I will do
4 visions that were sunken
In sand pits and county landfills
Eternal lyrics I spit
Until the blood 
Ceases to flow in my veins
Know that your lives
Were not in vain

The Trap by Andre R. Thornton

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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