Thomas Barr, Jr.
Thomas Barr's Photo

Thomas Barr, Jr. was born in Lake City, South Carolina, home of the 2nd African American astronaut, killed on the Challenger space mission, Dr. Ronald E. McNair. Thomas Barr Jr. was the grandson of a share cropper whom taught him about hard work and education. At age 17 he began college at Bethune-Cookman University and graduated Cum Laude with honors. While in college he was inspired to write when he read the novel, Black Boy by Richard Wright. He began writing short stories for campus publications and won a $500 dollar publication contest in a local campus circular.

Overlords Karma is a literary Urban fiction and the lead book in the Miami Urban Chronicle series. It’s a biopic based on a former politician from Miami who tragically committed suicide pending a criminal investigation for corruption. The main character Anthony Tate grapples with his morality of serving the public that has elected him or siding with big interests in brokering back room political deals. Working in government as a chosen profession has given me an insight into how the process works. This story is in the tradition of the Tom Clancy thrillers, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, The Hunt for Red October and Support & Defend. What distinguishes this book is that it’s told with the Miami flair and the cultural considerations of South Florida.

You can contact Mr. Barr via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Thomas Barr, Jr.


Excerpt from "Overlords Karma: Miami's Urban Chronicles"

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