Tears Into Silence

by ThirdC

It's easier to turn tears into silence 
than to fix what hurts, 
when all that hurts is all you want.
Your heart screams from within 
but your heart is so distant 
that even you can't hear the screams.
The tears flood your emotions 
until you drown in your own sorrows,
solitude is your only recourse,
loneliness is your best friend.

Loneliness never speaks, never asks, 
never tells, never demands, 
silence is loneliness friend, 
in the quagmire of mixed emotions,
silence stops the constant hurt,
but you still hurt in the silence and loneliness

Love is but a four letter word 
used at times as a weapon of choice 
to subdue feelings and change emotions 
for desired intentions of the one 
who uses the weapon carelessly and without regard.

tasteless is love in the mouth 
of one who has been hurt,
numb is the desired feeling 
as the tears turn into silence,
the silence into loneliness,
loneliness into emptiness,
the emptiness into depression 
the sign of introverted hurt.

The road is longer than my half empty tank,
the road to happiness 
is longer than my half empty tank,
so when my tank is empty 
i will be on the side 
of the road to happiness 
yet again never to get to my destination.

Ahh it is easier to turn tears into silence 
than to fix what hurts 
when all that hurts is all you want!

Tears Into Silence by ThirdC

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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