Because of My Blackness

by Theresa Taylor

I am not a minus in a crowd I am noticed and appreciated.
Because of my blackness.
My features are solid; my hair is full-grown. 
I have sweetness in my lips that will make a man moan. 
Because of my blackness.

I do not need a mask of a different shade. 
I was born chocolate pudding beautiful 
and grew to be dark olive brown. 
Because of my blackness.

My love is a luxury it will spoil an addict. 
My profile is tight 
Some may consider me to be dy-no-mite. 
Because of my blackness.

I work hard towards my goals 
and I am determined to carry victory. 
My ideas are broadcasted and I am rewarded for my efforts. 
Because of my blackness.

Black is beautiful and it goes skin deep. 
If a statue could be built of me it would never fall, 
in fact is would stand too tall. 
It would stand decades beyond us all. 
Because of my blackness.

Because of My Blackness by Theresa Taylor

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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