Country Love

(dedication to down south brothas)

by Kimberly Michelle-theory

you make me feel like
remembering shelling peas
wit Grandma sittin on da front porch wit
straw baskets and brown grocery bags

You got me thinking bout vinegar on top of
collard greens and hamhocks
sopping up the juice wit cornbread wit'da
same fingers I grip your hair wit

you got me thinking bout hot sauce stains
on white t-shirts that come from eating
mama's fish and grits on Wednesday
when Rev. comes over to see why
we ain't been to church

They say masks tell stories
So what does yours say
Are you a man who is the symbol of lower Egypt
Nah, nah, you must be Reflecting me 
in upper Egypt where heroes began their quest

Country Love (dedication to down south brothas) by Kimberly Michelle-theory

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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