One Morning In Church

by Terry Clark

One morning in church
I mainlined Jesus and caught the holy ghost
I spoke in tongues created in an ancient voice
Elijah, the madman of the mountains,
came down and blessed me with his sword
I bled like Jesus
I crawled up to the alter and out of the womb of infants
I suckled at the breast of Mary
She cradled my broken spirit, stroked my hair
and told me to give my worries to Jesus
Finally, satan loosed me
And--the dam broke!
The Mothers of the church formed a circle of white around me, 
held hands, moaned and prayed for my soul
The preacher heaved his breath into mine
I rose from the dead and began to dance the holy dance
shuffling my feet uncontrollably,
flailing my arms and bobbing my head
All the while stomping out my demons of the street

One Morning In Church by Terry Clark

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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