God didn't
make black people to exist on public aid
He didn't make black people to sell link cards
He didn't make black people to stand on a corner and sling drugs
He didn't make blackmen to drive by and kill each other over so-called turf
He didn't make blackwomen to become a young breeding ground for fatherless children
He didn't make blackmen to shun their responsibility of bringing a boy into manhood and teaching him how to live a decent life
He didn't make blackwomen to play Sapphire, shake their hips, roll their heads and point their fingers
He didn't make black people to live in and around abandoned buildings
He didn't make black men and women to one-upsmanship games at the expense of the family
He didn't make black politicians to sell out and play plantation politics with the poor, illiterate and destitute
He made them to be
To be their black selves--Beautiful!