Slave Music

by Tarik Nia

Slave music dims the spirit
Slave music blinds the soul
And  every time we hear it
We give them more control

We've let them use our rhythm
Like a trojan horse
They climb deep in our minds
Til in time you will find us
Singing in the mastas' voice

Slave music fills our minds
With echos of foolish words
So the choices we're choosing
To keep ourselves loosing's
The promise of the songs we've heard

Slave music dims the spirit
Slave music blinds the soul
And every time we hear it
We give them more control

They've confused our thinking
By abusing our groove
We've let them fool us
Through music they rule us
But we think our thinking is true

So now we all calling us "niggaz"
Cause that's what our music's proclaimed
Control a man's thinking your bidding he'll do
You can even make him change his name

Slave music dims the spirit
Slave music blinds the soul
And everytime we hear it
We give them more control

Slave Music by Tarik Nia

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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