The Rhythm and Rhyme

by Tarik Nia

When you keep time
to the rhythm
and rhyme
Your mind stays blind
to the crime
Behind the words you've heard
like a parrot bird
Your thought disturbed
by the words
that you repeat
to the Bang Bang beat
A rhythm of self-defeat
From the battle retreat

And the DJ said instead
Hit a "nigga" in the head
Another brother dead
because you're misled
Another mind blind
by a mad-man rhyme
Of a fool on the mike
tool of oppression
They got us ruled by aggression
This violent possession
demands your confession
So  you call yourself a "nigga"
Say your woman is a bitch
And maybe pull a trigger
at the slightest little itch

Because you keep time to the rhythm!
Because you keep time to the rhyme!
Because you keep time to the rhythm and rhyme
and bind your mind in a genocide rhyme!
You sing a song a fool sang
A wanna-be gang bang
For a chance to dance to
the rhythm of a chain gang

When you keep time to the rhythm and rhyme
We find your kind
in their prison line
They bend your mind
to do a silly crime
then spend your time
a tall wall behind
So you're locked on the inside
and the DJs say that's cool
While they play on the outside
living high on fools like you

So don't keep time to the rhythm and rhyme
if the lyrical line will poison your mind
Don't keep time
to the rhythm and rhyme
if lyrical line
will poison you mind
But find a righteous rhythm
and sing a noble song
The kind that build your spirit
and help you live life strong
Damn their silly noise
be smart and make a choice
of music with a voice
to make your heart rejoice

The Rhythm and Rhyme by Tarik Nia

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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