Lazy Dreamer

by Terry A. O'Neal

They say…
keep your day job

young poets.

For we get robbed
of our acclaim
to the name.

Stand UP 
for your rights,
don’t let reject
reflect upon you.

They say that poets
are only lazy dreamers
with too much time 
on their hands.

They say that
the only celebrity 
that a poet can be 
is a downward gliding
just waiting to happen.

A special art
created from the heart;
let no man
come      between
a poet 
and a dream.

Where would the world be  
without dreamers
like me?
A forest of stumped trees
cut off at the knees,
with no means of

Poets are the gray
in black and white;
they are the entity
that sheds the light;
they are the pretenders,
the storytellers
that puts you to sleep
at night. 

So dream on 
young poets, 
dream your 
lazy dreams;
for without you,
there is no

in - b e t w e e n.

Lazy Dreamer by Terry A. O'Neal

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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