Love is like your imgaination
it can run wild if you let it
It's whatever you want it to be
for imagination is free
and love aint got no lock and key
love flies free
love is like the paradise envisioned with closed eyes
those white sandy beaches with palm trees
but then you open your eyes and see the real world
and you wonder why tru love is so hard to find
thats cuz love is only your imagination that runs wild
they say if you dream hard enough it can become reality
but when I open my eyes and see the real world
I wonder when that reality is set to be for me
love is like the feeling of a cool spring rain
after a hot summers day
falling and hitting your face
that feeling of relief youv'e been yearning for
asking where have you been all my life
love is meant to be eternal
an everlasting flame that never dies
but for some reason as time seems to fly
that truth seems so much more like a lie
thats cuz love is only your imagination that runs wild
love is like the time between now and forever
an endless infinite ever running space
filled with every emotion
a soufle of fear, care, hate laughter and sorrow
love is today
love is tommorow
love is black white purple yellow
love can be raging
love can be mellow
love is whatever you want it to be
for imagination is free
and love aint got no lock and key