Sister Friend Why?

by Adrienne Clark Strachn

Sister Friend, Why

Sister, Friend, Why!
Sister, friend, you are so beautiful.
Why do you let him put you down?
Yelling, screaming, hitting, insults, cries of pain.
Sister, friend, you are a child of God.
When are you going to let go and give it to God?
Start walking, run, don't turn back.
Jesus is holding his hand out, smile and say,I am free.
Go, sister, friend, positive energy, laughing, smiling,
Beautiful face, tall and erect stature.
Welcome back, there goes my friend.
Welcome back....

Adrienne Clark Strachn
To the girlfriends out there

Sister Friend Why? by Adrienne Clark Strachn

© Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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