Satisfaction of Me

by ladyAdrienne

Fitting like a glove
feeling the satisfaction
in all the right places
Of the skin I'm in.
I feel the glances upon me
can't deny the satisfaction
 or stares 
Is it this dress,I wear 
 or is it 
my obvious skin

Nothing, but a Victoria Secret Bra
holding onto these girls  
These lacy sexy panties
that cling to my body.
Every time I move, this dress
sways from side to side
As if a huge wind came 
to sweep me away

Like a school girl  
the hair on my shoulders
uncombed knowingly,
right now, wouldn't have it 
any other way
adds to the complexity of my beauty

I scare myself sometimes
cant figure out why a woman 
dark and desirable as I am,
pretty and confident too,
would be so happy... 
Within herself.
I just love 


Satisfaction of Me by ladyAdrienne

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