Girl, I need my hair "did"
I'll be over at 5
You are late
you kow I needed you
to put this Lace Front in
Did you bring glue and scissors
and Don't be messing up my hair
I spent alot of money
to make me Beautiful
Girl, I need my hair twisted
you know like Dreds
I need it done now,
How long do you think it will take,
I don't have all day
and I'm hungry too
let me go get some Chinese food
while you working on my hair.
Girl, I need you to come with me
to the hair store
How many wigs you gonna try on,
I want a long pony tail
down my back, with no curls
and I need some gel,
some hair pins too.
I put my perm in so hook me up
you hear!
Girl, its me , what you doing
I need to borrow a wig for tonight
I got a date and I "need" to look good
I want my Do to look beautiful like
But Tonight,
Make Me Beautiful, like Beyonce
My nails, my nails,
gotta have them done too
let me see the colors
designs you have!
I'm planning on looking good like her tonight
brought me a push up bras
and that girdle that makes me 3 sizes smaller,
I am going out tonight,
I'm gonna find me a man
and I just want you to,
Make Me Beautiful,
Girl, it's gonna be on!
For the Ladies who like their hair done
and go thru all these changes to do so.
"Make me Beautiful" just speaks the truth of
the time and effort to get it done.