This Poem is in memory of my Dad
and the love my mother
gave him till the end.
7/15/1928 TO 8/15/2009
Inside my head Is a dream
no one else will ever know.
It's in my head,
it's private and only belongs to me
It provides the joy
that we took for granted
never seeing the future
happiness belonging just you and me.
Sometimes, I smell my dream
the fragrance that lays
on the tip of my nose
the smell of my favorite flower
a fragrance you liked on me.
In my dream there is a woman
of strenght, a warrior,
one who gave you love,
sometimes now i only can see
an aging tree, with scattered broken branches
alone, yea that's me.
In my dream
I see a couple embracing
visioning the sweet nothings
the whispers, but only for my ear,
the droplets of tears
that appear,
the fear of me alone.
all exposed
because you're no longer here.
My dream displays when you,
touched me here, touched me there
just everywhere.
I'm in a good place now.
Dream over,
Wake up!
can't take this any longer
I see a light shining brightly
Heaven please, provide for you a resting place
maybe for you,
then for me,
So alone dreamimg I won't be!