Next Up


I’m like Kobe, I’ll never pass the ball
because I will continue to score
while your holding up the wall.
Whoa, don’t fall, stand tall, say cheese, please.
Pick up your lip, don’t trip.
There goes the stumble.
Ohh, his heart is at a fumble.
Ladies don’t pick it up! You’ll be stuck.
This chicken hawk is plucked.
Begging please pass the buck.  

Buck out you chest. This man’s a mess.
He can’t see that he’s well-done.
You need me back, I ain’t the one.
Hands above your head.
Honey your book has already been read.
Red rum to the heart. All baby, don’t fall apart.
You want another chance.
You watch too much TV, wolves don’t dance.
Down your ear hole.
Ohh, what do you know, he’s back on the field.
You would be an Angel if looks could kill.
Did I do that? You smelly rat. 
Excuse my French, I fail that course.
You want to hear my Chinese? But, that even worse.
Don’t step on this coming STR84WARD and down your esophagus.
Chew, bite, hate, I know you mad at us.
Copyright is my best friend.
Ohh, there you go again,
you have to keep your lip in. 
Don’t drag your feet. Stay on beat.
Where’s your hospitality?
Man, I know your daddy’s going to be mad at me.
I ain’t scared. Papa Smurf should have known I was going there. 
Okay, I’ll get off your back.
But every word I flip-flop, I meant just that.
So go tell you people I’m up and done it.
How about that? STR84WARD really won it.
Come on Cletus, bring it on.
I’m in your ear because I heard you had a bone. 
I see you watching, the hate in your eyes is not a surprise.
You wanted to be a doctor,
studied as a lawyer and thought you was king.
If you wanted to be important,
you wouldn’t tried to dis-crown me. 
Your highness, I be, don’t step to me with you fake penny loafer
and your want to be Range Rover.
Close your eyes, Make a wish.
I’m taking it back to the eighty; this is a dis.
Remark, reply, and rewind. 200 degrees below ice,
you could never erase these feelings in my mind.
Next up.  

Next Up by STR8 4WARD

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