Just Thinking

by Stacy King

How do we interpret quotes,
Feelings that are factual,
Is it possible for truths to be lies, and lies to be truths.
Are we forever doomed to go through life with mixed emotions,
Can we lay down next to our woman,
And say what should be heard,
Instead of what needs to be said.
Can a kiss bring joy,
Can a hug engulfs tears of pain.
My plateau is smooth,
Waiting for her breath to scent it,
A lady of the night,
A gwenivere of light,
I cry at her every step.
When it is time to deepen our passion,
Our inner souls combine at ends,
The stars fall upon us,
Where sanity descends, the love begins.

Just Thinking by Stacy King

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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