
by Sheryl Renee' Talley

I'll begin with the clouds
As they form to be dark
Covering the Happy Blue Sky
is just the first mark.
Now think about the wind
as it throws you back and forth
Stirring up your life
leaving nothing else to worth.
In ana instance comes the rain
pouring down troubles in your path
Depleting all laughter, harmony, and glee
causing endless agony, it happened so fast.
Lightening produces memories of the past
pictures of friends or family I won't forget
An unbearable wave of thunder creating
visions of sickness, failure, and death.
I fall to my knees
No other place to go
Dear God, Please protect me from this "Storm"
I know that you are with me, I know, I know!!

Storms by Sheryl Renee' Talley

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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