Tribute To Home

by Soyini Denise Liburd

What happens when one day
I learn I must go away.
From my country,
To far across the seas.
A great honour
It means I must leave my homeland,
Maybe forever.

A curious mixture of elation and sorrow.
Highs and lows
Now I feel I know, how other's felt before me
Those who were chosen, those who were stolen,
To make the journey to other lands…

I was chosen; given the opportunity
To be all I can be,
Great things are expected of me.
I tremble in anticipation.
The ripening of the fruit of my aspiration…
I will have my success, I see it.
I pray hard for happiness,
As I leave the only home I've known.
To seek what I must face alone.

Though my mind stretches over the seas
to my unveiling destiny
My heart clings to what used to be
The comfort and safety of my beautiful country.
The green, the sun, the sea, the incredible energy and
everything that makes us WE.
The house I grew up in – The streets I've walked that
soon I will no longer tread
The happiness of the life and the love I leave behind;
to go instead
To a world of dreams and uncertainty.

Patiently, my mind convinces my soul to say – not
goodbye – but I will return.
Convinces my heart – not to cry –
but to consider the pleasure of bringing home,
The treasures of experiences and knowledge I will
I am prepared to do it – I will leave for a while.
My beacon - the hope of returning;
My salve – the memories of days gone by.
I will go and discover what fate desires be mine
Go and make my ripple in the waves of time.

Tribute To Home by Soyini Denise Liburd

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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