I know you await
My heart aches, I am sorry
Plans shattered by a Cruel Fate
There's still time, I must hurry
In vain the hours pass
In shame because they could not contain
The glory, the joy of our meeting.
They've all gone, time has left us - so fast
The sun slinks away, the moon slithers past.
All is lost, tears now reign;
Tomorrow, a whisper of a promise, that time eases pain.
Forgive my failure
And a screwed up sever
You must believe, you must know
Oh, I did try so
I could not get online
I could not find you love of mine
Each time I tried - hope - this time for sure...
Each time denied - despair - does my sweetheart wait or...
Does he – could he possibly doubt my passion, my zeal?
Our friendship is beautiful and strong; a diamond, a dove
Look - it survives, we will laugh again...and live...and love
So, do you forgive me boo?
My joy will return with a smile in a message from you.