Lesson 1

by Soyini Denise Liburd

I was born to question life, and alive to feel deeply.
I praised God for all that was beautiful and right,
I pondered solutions to rescue man from his self-created plight.
I fixed what I could, feeling happy and free,
The rest I left for later, but never left be.
This is and was and has always been me.

Much of my life so far has been schooling
But there were lessons, in and out of school, for learning.
The biggest lesson I've learnt thus far;
I am what I make myself, what I exude from inside
Not what people - looking in - looking down - decide
At first, of me, was said; "An excellent student, can go anywhere"
Then a step past, my 'social class';
 "Will never reach far, let's hope she'll be fair"
At first; self-confidence soaring
A step further; my faith stumbled then fell crashing
"We can't all be of high caliber" said someone so bold,
With tears in my eyes, did as I was told:
Which is; I failed, I struggled...I despaired.
A barrier I couldn't penetrate, sand that pulled me in
"Who are you?  You are nothing.  You will never win."

Like a phoenix, I died then I rose, with the help of the one who
fanned the flame
A step further; "My, such talent, such caliber, what's her name?"
They heard it and heard it and never forgot again.
I was at the top of my class, of my school, of my country,
I realised it was there, all along, inside me
It took me a while but I accepted this fact,
I'm above average, perhaps better than that.

As someone born to question life; I question 'perhaps'
I'll find out what's in me and chart my own maps.
Pursuing 'all I can be', with God as my guide,
I'll find and do and make myself; and that I'll exude from inside.


Lesson 1 by Soyini Denise Liburd

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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