
by Soyini Denise Liburd

You are curious.
Your lips have tasted me
I linger on your tongue, compelling
So that you wonder what it might be like
to satiate your heart with sips of my affection
Could I sustain you,
Would I leave you
weak, satisfied ... or both
with my attentions?

Put your mind at ease,
Close your eyes and walk with me.
I will lead you surely to my love
Lift you up over your tears
Which have fallen and will be no more.
Your past is gone - flown
Why look back?
Nothing you have known
Could compare to my love

My love will be your heaven.
I will make it so.

There is nothing like my love
In it is only happiness,
I will show you comfort
melt you and your inhibitions
Relax into my love
It is my pleasure
and I will make it yours.

Journey by Soyini Denise Liburd

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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