My soul quivers as my eyes battle tears -
Ice water from a frozen heart.
My teeth relentlessly grips..........
bleeding lips
The day is stale, time is old
I can wait no more, your love runs cold.
I must do it - It must be done.
Deep breath...
My will moves unbidden to accomplish the task.
My sucker heart begs, "Let love live on..."
But, I must do it - Love's time is gone.
Breath caught - trapped. I hesitate
My mind unrelenting - commits love to its fate.
I must do it - It must be done.
The sun drowns, it's splendour dies.
The battle is won - love lies
Tears come, it is done.
Goodbye forever - I loved you so...
Tears run, it is done.
Love is dead - so ends my woe.
The day is dead, the moon fails the night.
No shadows, no memories - only darkness.
In the distance a lone wolf howls...
My lone heart ROARS. I am more bitter,
more fierce - I have lost all!
The wolf retreats, respecting my claim.
I claim my life, it will be mine again.
Memories live on - for a time.
Pain is real - for a time.
I will survive,
My dreams will flourish and start to come true
Gone is my need, my love for you.
I have accepted it - a final sigh.
I have rejected you - finally goodbye.
The night recedes, love dies unmourned.
I turn my face to welcome the dawn.
The golden rays of my sunlight will shine on another.
Joy will melt my heart and be mine - forever.
My sun shines strong, its warmth has come through.
Gone. Gone is my love for you.