Girl In The Mirror

by Soyini Liburd

10 fingers
touch 10,
sliding down the glass
of a mirror.
1 pair of eyes,
linked to another,
across a mirror.

I see you,
If I can love you,
then can I love me?
If I can't,
then will you love me...for me?
4 eyes embrace each other.
They do not look down
to the battered body,
They look inside,
to the swollen heart.

Curious eyes,
sad eyes,
lovely eyes.
They want to comfort me
to tell me
that they look inside
because inside matters most
because there my heart is warm,
...and beautiful

They see through the body that
eyes used to stop at.
Eyes that never got past
the barrier of my skin.
These eyes wounded me
And aged me
Made me
 No longer lovely,
Then these eyes left me...

But the eyes in the mirror,
they are full of love.
They are my eyes,
and they love me;
does that mean then,
that I love myself?

And why would I love me?
No longer lovely.
Because beauty
lives on
in my heart.

Those eyes
in the mirror.
they can love me.
I think then
I can love myself.

Girl In The Mirror by Soyini Liburd

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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