Illicitness Of True Love

by PoetryInked

 Scandalously we invade each other  drinking in the warmth 
basking in the utter joy that only we can create
in our secret hideaway luxuriating on Egyptian cotton ,
 experimenting on down duvets
We arouse our furious passions, inviting them out to play
Pyrotechnical displays of love enhanced by the very illicitnes of our bliss
triggering seeking grasping hands   
What level of exuberance have we attained  
leading us to supplant tawdry words of deception with this...
The celestial undulations become a part of my body's adulation 
Dark and light light and dark   
This mindblowing dissumulation nearly seems real 
Existing in exigous realms my secret flights of fancy 
overwhelm all rationalizations 
conveying conceptions wrought with rapacity annd steeped in veracity 
Discourse is highly illogical and improbaable 
given the manner in which we have transmogrified 
our situations and circumstances 
the livid majority vociferously complain   
their grievances too numerous to name 
Our love they say is not correct but a flawless love lives only in the intellect
Where we reside the imperfections of our intuitive association 
is authenticated only by our willingness to try

Illicitness Of True Love by PoetryInked

© Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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