Undo Me II~~~Twisted

by Sinsualmind

            undo me

      you said you could

         so you should

    don't leave me hangin'

     cuz we'll be bangin'

      got my wrists tied

   so I know you ain't lied

       about your skills

   shole' would hate to kill

            yo ass

   I'll break my good glass

       and cut you deep

       if you don't keep

    your promise to please

shouldn't you be on your knees?

      okay, there you go

          do you know

        whatchoo doin'?

    dayum, don't ruin......

      heyyy, I’m ova here

      why you goin' near

           my purse

dayum!! this is the worst.....

     well I’ll be damned!!

           here I am

      all tied and bound

      and you done found

           my money

  okay, this shit ain't funny

        put that down!!

    you want me to clown??

  oh, so you finna go now???

           damn how

you gon' leave me like this???

   ova here tryin' to twist


      DAMMIT UNDO ME!!!!!

 ain't this about a bitch....


Undo Me II~~~Twisted by Sinsualmind

© Copyright 2000. The Mytsexxy/Sinsualmind Experience. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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