Hooked On Phonics

by Sinsualmind

such a powerful thing it is that sexy voice of his with undertones of sensuality he shakes my reality shit, makes me shake subtle breaths he takes before the words flow causes tension to grow sexual tension, that is with that sexy voice of his has the gentleness of a touch like feathery kisses and such has the deepness of an abyss makes you wanna kiss his sexy ass mind take a drink of his mental wine and let it marinade....... hell, he could get paid with that sexy voice of his intoxicating, that’s what it is has the depths of an ocean as silky as lotion sends images in slow motion he should bottle that potion put it up for sell sexy as hell soothing, so mellow even his ‘hello’ is enough to get the coolest woman wet the topic shouldn’t be sex that will cause him to flex the biggest muscle he obtains not his dick, even better, his brain causing a cerebral rain addictive like cocaine like a drug, that’s what it is that sexy voice of his rsjsj

Hooked On Phonics by Sinsualmind

© Copyright 1999. The Mytsexxy/Sinsualmind Experience. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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