Don't call me a nigga, or i'll beat ya' ass
But if u black, i'll let it pass
Free at last, free at last?
We're still on a boat that's sinkin' fast
Usin' a slave name to show u love
Like fuckin' u with a fist without a glove......
Where mah niggas is at? Where mah niggas is at??
Don't u like the way i use my verbal gatt??
Shootin' ya down, don't even know ya shot
Gettin' ya down, don't even know ya got got
Where 'mah bitches' is at?? Where 'mah bitches' is at???
Sista's bouncin like bein' called a bitch is p.h.a.t.
Yo' ig'nigga'rant ass is bein' disrespected by that brotha
Is bitch supposed be how u relate to ya lova?
We keep on demeaning our own damn race
Might as well wear the hood on your gotdamn face
Honarary memba's of the mothafuckin' klan
Disrespectin' beautiful sista's and the strong black man
Wake up!! Wake up!! Bring it back come rewind
Heal up!! Heal up!! All the stitches of ya mind
'nigga' is a description of how a fool acts
Look in the dictionary for that nigga-shaded fact
Ignorant is the definition you may find
Is that the image you have of yourself in ya mind?