~*Chocolate In Between*~

by Sinsualmind

chocolate smooth brown
groove down
my lips
and let me sip

Hershey's recipe
is desperately
missing a dash-pinch-smidgen of yo'
chocolate smooth brown
groove down
my lips
and let me sip

suns shine
sunshine tongues
on your dome and
I alone
would like to know if you'd
melt in my mouth
not in fingers that surround
chocolate smooth brown
groove down
my lips
sink between hips
and slip
into my creamy center

while we make this confection connection
I may be so inclined
to sugar-coat your mind
with visions inside visions
your thoughts imprisoned
by the freedom of my ......expression
fingernails leaving imprints, the 1st impression
on your shoulders
the second down your back
accommodated by verbal reactions
and certain muscle contractions
that would have u believe this is
an out-of-body experience
so......watch ya'self

see how good you look
with yo' chocolate smooth brown
groove down
between my hips
these lips
know so much about you
without you
SAYING a thing
know how to make you sing
your requests in my ear
know the sounds you'd like to hear
know how you like to be caught
by the throw back
know how you like your rhythm
received and matched
I contain so much knowledge of YOURself
I make it easy to slip in and out of

chocolate smooth brown
groove down
between my hips
rockin' in and out of days and nights
mmmmoonlight (in)
sunnnnlight (out)
oh shit!! you see them stars?!?
or are my teeth/eyes
clenched so tight
I can't make a sound for the shaking
anyway, sighs don't matter

'cuz I'm just diggin' yo'
chocolate smooth brown
groove down
my lips
so I can sip

~*Chocolate In Between*~ by Sinsualmind

© Copyright 2001. A 'She DID That' Production. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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