Rain Storms

by Candy Showers

The rain falls gently outside of my dwelling
I am warmed by a blazing mass 
Not of fire but of passion
My heart takes a breathe of the night air's rain scent
I yearn for the touch of love
The sweet gentle touch of love
I fall into a microcosom of exotic emotions
I dream of passionate nights full of sexual struggles and erotic wars 
Two sides colliding 
Clouding my vision like rainclouds fill skies
I see your brown eyes, brown skin , thick hair
The rememberance your cologne intoxicates me 
I feel no need to work against it
It almost feels like your here
I wish you were here
The rain falls gently outside of my dwelling
I am warmed by a blazing mass 
Not of fire but of passion

Rain Storms by Candy Showers

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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