King Tiger

by SelinaShardaye

Mr. Tiger with muscles,
Likes to flew and growl.
Likes the Kitty Cat’s meow.
Oh to hear you howl, you're out for the prowl.
You're so dashing.
Feet Flashing.
Your fierceness so smashing .
Over you the Lady Cats are wrestling.
Your teeth so sharp and piercing.
The other Cats are whispering.
Hiding in the shadows tall grass leaves.
You are lavished with the best catch from hunting.
For every noise you make it’s so alarming.
You hunt in the quiet midnight then rest till morning.
Hum, who could pass up a Tiger King when he’s so charming.
Feel sorry for your prey,
You wouldn’t just up and dash away.
You’ll save the rest for a better day.
Then for your sleek Lady Cats.
You hang around to hear their chats.
So smooth like that.
Mr. Hunter King Tiger Cat. 

King Tiger by SelinaShardaye

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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