Love Child

by Sherry

In the beginning your presence was unknown to the human eye.
Then the existence of life began to reveal itself as each day went bye.

I felt your movement inside my womb while my body began its transition. 
You began to grow, squirm and stretch to find contentment in a fetal position.
You were a miracle created in the midst of passion. 
Shared between two who loved knowing one day this would happen.

It was time to push you out of from your warm comfort zone. 
The pain so intense my body became tired and worn.
Finally you're here and took your first breath and cried. 
I embraced you in my arms wiping tiny tears from your eyes.

How precious you are my child to me
You’re a little gift from heaven that I will love eternally.

Love Child by Sherry

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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