Racism and Charles Darwin

by Steven Malik Shelton

There is a growing movement to promote the theories and philosophy of naturalist Charles Darwin, with many academics equating his views on evolution with the foundation of modern science.

It is irrational to promote Darwin, a layman, as a harbinger of science; a man of minimal learning and scientific credentials. And to neglect men like Imhotep, Cheik Diop, Benjamin Banneker, George Washington Carver, Albert Einstein, Galileo, Ibn Sina and Sir Isaac Newton (and many others) who are universally accepted as icons in the sciences and who believed that all existence was created by the intelligent handiwork of a Divine Being.

Moreover, to accept and to celebrate Darwin is also to lend credence to his racism. And to blindly follow his lead on dogmatic evolutionary theory would be to go down a path that has no scientific validity and one that even Darwin admitted was dubious and uncertain.

Darwin’s hypothesis of macro-evolution proposed that “beings that adapted to the habitat in the best way transferred their qualities to subsequent generations; these advantageous qualities accumulated in time and transformed the individual into a species totally different from its ancestors. Darwin called the process ‘the evolution of natural selection.” 2

This notion, under-girded with racial superiority beliefs, held that whites had developed to the highest level from the primordial ancestors of man (which allegedly were primates).And that other races occupied lower rungs of development with blacks holding the lowest and most primitive loop on the evolutionary chain. And consistent with Darwin’s survival of the fittest evolutionary scheme and projections, blacks and all other non-whites would eventually be done away with by the “natural selection” process. In his book, The Descent of Man, Darwin predicted:

“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world.” 3

And over a hundred years later, Adolph Hitler would express a similar idea in his infamous testimonial, Mein Kampf:

“History would culminate in a new millennial empire of unparalleled splendor, based on a new racial hierarchy.” 4

Yet Darwin, and the others that influenced him, were working with the relatively primitive technology and archaic scientific instruments of their time. Also, studies such as genetics, biochemistry, microbiology and biomathematics (which would have exposed their theories for the fiction and quackery that they were) had not been developed. In fact, Darwin was no more than an amateur naturalist who never benefited from a formal education in biology.

The record shows that Darwin’s theory is one of the most destructive in human history. It spearheaded an era of racism that the world had never known and gave justification to a devilish mind-set that resulted in the exploitation and decimation of entire groups of people simply because of the darkness of their skin and the differences of their physical traits and characteristics. .And it found expression in the mass carnage of totalitarian regimes of Stalin and Hitler as well as the eugenics movement in many so-called democratic nations, where the poor and the black are targeted for destruction in hundreds of ways.


J.W.N. Sullivan, “The Limitations of Science,” Viking Press, Inc., (1933) p. 94

2. Haruun Yahya, “The Evolution of Deceit,” Arastirma Publishing (2002) p.42

3. Ibid. p.44

4. Ibid p.17

5. “Scientific Racism in Enlightened Europe,” by shah Aashna Hossain, accessible online at: http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/exchange/mode/1852

Racism and Charles Darwin by Steven Malik Shelton

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