One Little Girl

by Shelly Brown

They said some 10yr old girl was raped and set alight by some family friend 
of her fathers, not often I cry but was really tempted to...
After she was set alight she ran for 100m with her body on fire seeking help, 
miraculously she survived and is in intense pain as they basically have 
to reconstruct her face whilst keeping her completely sedated, body etc, 
I woke up with her on my mind. If I believed in prayer I would pray for her 
but sadly only in poetry I do, so I wrote one for her and us.

One little girl
When bonfires of hell can’t wait for us to get beyond 
Like Gomorra little girls are burnt, worse also raped
In despair they say the world doesn’t care anymore
Yet we know it never did, this kid truly isn’t the first
Tis a complex equation to differentiate beast and man
When bonfires of hell can’t wait for us to get beyond
I’ll loose a tear for the mother who gave birth to the little girl
And share the agony of the father who could not protect her
For such a failure is mine, inherited with the very breath I inhale
When bonfires of hell can’t wait for us to get beyond the grave
Heaven crystallizes into a myth too painful to be Greek
When little girls are burnt as offerings to the infernal what god do we seek?

One Little Girl by Shelly Brown

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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