A Letter to B

by Turnice

My Dearest B,

I write this letter to you
Because I know that words
Are immortalized 
When written

I know you've always wondered
Why I call you B
Let me tell you
It's because you
Are my one and only

Even though we have days
Where we may 
Fuss and argue
We also never go to sleep
Without saying "I love you"

I want you to always know
That I love you
Are my heart
My soul
What gives true meaning
To my life

Always know
I've tried to do 
The best I could for you
Even though there may be times
That you may have seen otherwise

There is so much more
I have to say
I'll express what I feel for you

I love you B

A Letter to B by Turnice

© Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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