There is a Creator of the universe
Of humanity - all
Some who doubt
Haven't created anything
Big or small
You take from creation
Then stick out your chest
Claim all the credit
Declare yourself better than the rest
Let us look closer
Put it to a test.
You like being lord and master
Think you are the G'D
With your human rights abuses
You don't see this as being odd.
Your lack of humanity
Your self-righteous creeds
When did you last reflect
On your unspeakable deeds.
Adamant in wrong day after day
Want to dominate and torture
In the exact same way
History's lessons rejected for spite
No intentions to do what's right
Hatred you can't seem to shake
Many have asked you to try
We do know that you will
Consistently lie
About being afraid of us
We could never be you
No matter how hard we tried
Just don't have what it takes
To be that putrid inside.