For every Brother that ever graced the place
The FOI house above the Mosque
At that 419 Madison Avenue address
Where brothers took the stairs two and three at a time
Exiting with a quickness that left us wondering if
You would brake in time, at curbside
Fast Moving, Quick Thinking You
Right Down to the Modern Time
I was deeply impressed. Still Am.
For every Sister that wore the uniform so well
Taught classes, cooked, sewed, led, followed
Made an example of the word "Sacrifice"
Those days when we looked out for each other
As brothers and sisters should
Because we wanted to because we had to
For all my brothers who saluted the flag
Saluted each other, saluted and embraced a cause
Saluted a leader that whispered through time
"Up you mighty nation. You can accomplish what you will."
The Mosques, the Clara Muhammad Schools,
The Steak-N-Take, the Bakeries, Your Grocery Store
The Sisters you escorted, you protected,
You made your Queens
For all the times you had us cross the street
To avoid the liquor store and bar
For every late-night, or all day meeting we attended
For every callout, every newspaper bought and sold.
The days and nights we spent talking... And thinking...
On you Black Man.
For every As-Salaam-Alaikum, for every bean pie,
Carrot cake, bake sale, or frozen slab of Whiting H&G.
For all the times we were cash poor and living
On hope, dreams, and love
For those Saturday morning FOI and MGT classes
The Drill Teams, and walks up the block, to Shabazz Deli.
For those who attended, stayed, sympathized or labored
Sacrificed a little or too much
To those who may or may not have some regrets
For all those who did and still do...
"Want for their brothers what they want for themselves."
For the bold, fearless leadership
Of those who lighted a pathway
And for the MAN whose mind transitioned us
From yesterday into a new world order
For everyone who wanted to be
A Brother or Sister in the Deen
Thank You! For being down for the cause
That lifted us up to an unparalleled dignity.