Through The Dimensions

by QuoiaMontana

When I realized where I was, it all made sense
It's scorching hot, but filled with frozen people
It's full of nothing. Empty of everything.
Do not think.
Just do!
Do not be.
Just blend!
How did I get here?
Did my GOOD run out?
Was I exiled... and relocated?
I hope not.
Maybe I just haven't made it.
Mystery and anticipation.
Despair fills my eyes, but hope fills my heart
It's the engine to my car if life.
Although I'm surrounded by the shadows,
Although I'm surrounded by the fire, 
Although I'm submerged in sinistry.
This may sound like pain, but it's far more extreme.
I'm not in it... I have BECOME it. 
In all things considered, 
For, Forever, and a day.
When all waters turn dry,
When all that is known is flamed and torched,
When bad is not a choice, but a way of life,
in my soul until infinity,
GOOD will always remain.

Through The Dimensions by QuoiaMontana

© Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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